Win a free place at Lewy Body Academy

After the success of the first ever Lewy Body MasterClass last November, we are delighted to be supporting the Neurology Academy to run another session, which will take place in Sheffield on 16/17 November 2022. You can find out more and book your place here. We are running a competition with the Neurology Academy to […]

A Scarf for Lewy – update

PLEASE NOTE THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED UNTIL 14TH OCTOBER Our awareness raising event ‘A Scarf for Lewy’ is now getting closer and we are delighted with the response and the level of support so far.  In case you’ve missed it, we’re going to be wrapping a huge scarf around the Royal Albert Hall on […]

Case study – Heather’s story

Thank you to Heather Ritchie for sharing her story as part of the Carers Week report. Read the report and recommendations here. Carers Week charities are calling for an urgent 12-month plan of targeted support for unpaid carers, as many struggle with the ongoing impact, as well as the legacy, of the pandemic, together with […]

Carers Week 2022 – add your voice to the campaign!

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. The campaign is brought […]

More celebrity support for A Scarf for Lewy

Following the fantastic support from Dame Prue Leith, additional celebrity backing for our campaign has come from actress Paula Wilcox and presenter Anne Robinson.   Both have kindly knitted a scarf to help us raise awareness of Lewy body dementia.  The scarves will be joined with hundreds of others and wrapped around the Royal Albert Hall […]

We’ve joined the Carers Week campaign

We are delighted to announce that The Lewy Body Society has joined the Carers Week campaign, along with six other major charities. Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. Carers continue to […]

A Scarf for Lewy

On 22nd September 2022 we are holding an event with a difference… We are going to wrap a huge scarf around the entire circumference of the Royal Albert Hall in London, a massive 244m.  All to raise awareness of Lewy body dementia, the second most common type of dementia in older people. Lewy body dementia […]