The Lewy Body Society Travel Bursary 2023

The Lewy Body Society was founded in 2006 and we are the only UK charity that focuses solely on Lewy body dementia. Our mission is to fund research into the disease and to raise awareness and understanding of it among medical professionals and the public. The charity is a member of the Association of Medical […]
The June Brown Essay Prize 2023

The Lewy Body Society was founded in 2006 and we are the only UK charity that focuses solely on Lewy body dementia. Our mission is to fund research into the disease and to raise awareness and understanding of it among medical professionals and the public. The charity is a member of the Association of Medical […]
Registration now open for ILBDC2022

You can now register for the International Lewy Body Dementia Conference 2022! It will be a great chance to meet other people affected by the disease and hear about the latest developments in research. The ‘Living with Lewy’ strand, aimed at people living with dementia and carers, is free to attend and takes place on […]
Volunteers required for new Lewy body dementia study

Markers of Progression in Dementia with Lewy Bodies Researchers at University College London are investigating markers of progression in DLB. The aim is identify blood tests and brain markers that can help with monitoring progression. This will help make trials of new treatments more effective. What will it involve? Two visits to University College London: […]
Capgras syndrome in Lewy body dementia – webinar recording now available

In Lewy body dementia, problems such as hallucinations and delusions often arise. In some cases, these may present as ‘delusions of misidentification’, of which Capgras syndrome is one type. In Capgras syndrome, a person believes that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. This can be […]
Research summary report: Multimodal Imaging in Lewy Body Disorders

We have received the following report from the University of Cambridge, which summarises the progress made following the award of a Lewy Body Society grant in 2015. There are some very positive outcomes, such as an improved understanding of imaging biomarkers in people living with Lewy body dementia, the recruitment of people living with LBD […]
Lewy Body UK Conference

We were delighted to work with a team of academics – Rimona Weil (UCL), Claire O’Callaghan (The University of Sydney) & John-Paul Taylor (Newcastle University) – to host the Lewy Body UK 2021 Scientific Conference on 15th June. With 15 speakers in total, some from as far away as Australia and the USA, it was […]
Lewy Body UK conference – 15th June 2021

We are delighted to be working with our partners in the academic community to host a scientific conference focusing on all the latest Lewy body dementia research, and marking our 15th year as a charity. The conference is open to everone and is free to attend. However for people living with Lewy body dementia, their […]
New research may help diagnosis and treatment of Lewy body dementia

Associate Professor Jay Amin spoke about his research on a Zoom webinar on Tuesday 1st December. The recording of the event is available on our YouTube channel here. Two newly published research studies, led by Dr Jay Amin from the University of Southampton and supported by the Lewy Body Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK, have […]
COVID-19: The Challenges for People living with Dementia

By Shivani Patel and Jiabin Tang To download this article as a pdf please click here. Introduction Recently, all our lives have been turned upside-down by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In this article we will describe the impact of the pandemic and the resultant ‘lockdown’ on people living with Lewy body dementia, and how the […]