The Lewy Body Society Travel Bursary 2023

The Lewy Body Society was founded in 2006 and we are the only UK charity that focuses solely on Lewy body dementia. Our mission is to fund research into the disease and to raise awareness and understanding of it among medical professionals and the public. The charity is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities and runs regular grant rounds for UK researchers to apply for funding, most recently in 2022 when £464,000 was awarded to four studies.

In 2023 we are not running a main funding round, but instead we are running an essay competition and funding a travel bursary. The aim is to support researchers or medical professionals to present at a conference (including a poster presentation) to help raise awareness of Lewy body dementia and to extend their own learning.

Two bursaries are available and up to £500 will be awarded per person to cover travel (not private car) and accommodation costs, and conference registration fees. Receipts will need to be provided and only actual costs will be reimbursed.

This bursary is open to UK based researchers, health professionals and medical students in all years of study.

Applications will be reviewed by Lewy Body Society staff. The judges’ decision will be final.

The closing date to be considered for the bursary is 31st May 2023 at 11.59pm. Please note that entries received after this deadline will not be considered, and that we are unable to provide feedback on individual submissions.

To apply for the bursary, please submit a statement of no more than 300 words giving information about your career and why your participation at the conference would be beneficial. If you have already submitted your poster or presentation please give details.

Send your application to

Good luck!