Lewy Body Society welcomes two new Ambassadors

The Lewy Body Society, the charity dedicated to the second most common form of dementia among older people, has welcomed Chris Maddocks and John O’Doherty as its latest Ambassadors. The charity’s Ambassadors are usually people who have experience of Lewy body dementia and are willing to help promote and support its work promoting research into […]
New email newsletter – sign up now!

The Lewy Body Society is starting a new email newsletter and we would like to invite you to sign up here or using the simple form at the bottom right hand corner of this page. We will be sending regular updates (not too often, we promise) so that our community of supporters can keep up […]
Let’s Chat: online events programme launched

Our first two online events will take place this month, via Zoom, as we seek to bring together our community and support people affected by Lewy body dementia. Meet the Chief Executive & Introduction to the Lewy Body Society Tuesday 21st July, 11am UK time This event is a chance for you to meet our […]
Phoebe and Ruby raise over £200 for the Lewy Body Society

We would like to say a big thank you to Phoebe and Ruby from Stakeford in Northumberland for raising money for the Lewy Body Society during our awareness week Dotty Days. With the help of Ruby’s big sister Ellie, the girls made these beautiful coasters and sold them on a street stall, raising over £200! […]
Virtual coffee morning for Dotty Days 2020

As part of our awareness week Dotty Days, which is taking place from 1-7 June, we are asking supporters to hold a coffee morning with a difference! With ongoing restrictions due to the COVID-19 crisis, a traditional gathering in a hall, café or workplace canteen isn’t possible. But you can still connect with family and […]
Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week – ‘Dotty Days’

1-7 June 2020 This year’s Dotty Days will be a little different. The cake sales and garden open days will have to wait, but you can still mark the week and help us raise awareness in the following ways: * Wear dots – an item you own or you can purchase a badge or wristband […]
The Lewy Body Society and Covid-19

The coronavirus pandemic is having a terrible impact on our society, with so many people now affected by this awful disease which has claimed so many lives. Many charities are finding their services are needed more than ever, and are finding new ways to reach people. Yet at the same time, many charities are struggling […]
A ‘Strictly’ success in Stevenage raises over £12,500

We would like thank Richard Howard for organising a wonderful black tie ball and raising over £12,500 for The Lewy Body Society. On Saturday 23rd November over 400 people enjoyed a glittering evening at the Forum in Stevenage. A lucky few guests also had a dance lesson with Strictly Come Dancing star Robin Windsor, and […]
Charity ball in Wigan raises over £1800 for dementia research

On Saturday 9th November businesses from across Wigan turned out in force to support the Lewy Body Society at a gala ball organised by Diane Wilde from Rutter Green Estate and Letting Agents. The event, kindly hosted for free by Gathurst Golf Club in Shevington, featured an auction, entertainment from singer Chloe Erika Pownell and […]
Singin in the Rain – a wonderful night raising awareness and funds for Lewy body dementia

When we were contacted back in March and asked if we wanted to be the charity partner for this year’s Showtime Challenge 48-hour Musicals performance of Singin in the Rain, we naturally jumped at the chance. 48-Hour Musicals is an initiative that has been going for 15 years, established by producer Ian Haig. The premise […]