Lessons I have learned as a Lewy body dementia carer

Becoming an unpaid carer when your partner or parent is diagnosed with dementia is hard – it is full-time (and then some) job for which very few are remotely qualified when they are thrust into the role. It is even harder when they have a much-misunderstood form of the condition, such as Lewy body dementia. […]
Capgras syndrome: my partner thought I was an imposter

Imagine looking at your loving partner of many years and suddenly having the creeping suspicion that it was not, in fact, your husband or wife, but someone pretending to be them and, worse still, no one else believes you. Becoming convinced that the person who loves you most and who is taking care of you […]
Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline – here to help

Did you know we work with the Admiral Nurse Dementia Helpline to provide support to families affected by Lewy body dementia? We have always taken phone calls and emails from families facing a diagnosis of Lewy body dementia and wondering where to turn to for support, but a few years ago the number and complexity […]
Raising awareness is difficult, but it must be done – a blog by Nick Aldworth

In a personal and moving blog, Nick Aldworth has written about losing his dad Richard to Lewy body dementia two years ago and the impact it had on him, his mum and his family. I faced a bit of a personal battle during Lewy Body Dementia Awareness Week. We lost my Dad – Richard Aldworth […]
Case study – Kim’s story

Thank you to Kim Robinson and her family for sharing their experience of caring during the Covid-19 pandemic. As part of Carers Week, Kim attended an event at the Houses of Parliment and spoke to MPs and Peers about her caring role and Lewy body dementia. I care for my dad who was diagnosed with […]
Case study – Heather’s story

Thank you to Heather Ritchie for sharing her story as part of the Carers Week report. Read the report and recommendations here. Carers Week charities are calling for an urgent 12-month plan of targeted support for unpaid carers, as many struggle with the ongoing impact, as well as the legacy, of the pandemic, together with […]
Carers Week 2022: Rising pressures on unpaid carers as public backing for greater support grows

68 million unpaid carers concerned for physical and mental health 2:2 million carers worried about ability to cope financially More care is being provided than ever before – even more than during the height of the pandemic Overwhelming public support for more Government action to help unpaid carers Carers Week charities are calling for an […]
Carers Week 2022 – add your voice to the campaign!

Carers Week is an annual campaign to raise awareness of caring, highlight the challenges unpaid carers face and recognise the contribution they make to families and communities throughout the UK. It also helps people who don’t think of themselves as having caring responsibilities to identify as carers and access much-needed support. The campaign is brought […]
Dementia Action Week 2022

This week (16-22 May) is Dementia Action Week, organised by Alzheimer’s Society, and the key message of this year’s campaign is: It’s not called getting old, it’s called getting ill. Every three minutes someone develops dementia, but right now, there are thousands of people who are in the dark about their diagnosis – they may […]
New study seeks carers to complete an online survey

Please see below information about a University of Reading study which focuses on informal (i.e. unpaid) caregivers of individuals with parkinsonism symptoms. They are building an online intervention to support these caregivers, but first need to garner their opinions and feedback about the website’s features. Who can take part? Do you provide unpaid care to […]