UCA students and film industry’s pro-bono collab for LBS’s first commercial

Jacqui Cannon on set with the students from UCA to film the Lewy Body dementia commercial

The Lewy Body Society has released its first ever commercial on World Lewy Body Day. The mini-film will get its global premiere this week at the eighth International Lewy Body Dementia Conference, in Amsterdam. Student creators from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) worked pro-bono at the world-famous Pinewood Studios, in association with Sony […]

Support our Lewy List demands for action on World Lewy Body Day

CEO of Lewy Body Society Jacqui Cannon sitting in front of a screen showing the Lewy List petition page

The Lewy Body Society is calling on the government to improve the lives of 100,000 people with Lewy body dementia in the UK, in the face of the global dementia health crisis. Affecting 11 million people worldwide, the number of individuals with this Lewy body dementia is predicted to rise dramatically as life expectancy increases […]

Help us mark the second annual World Lewy Body Day!

Graphic with a picture of the Earth with World Lewy Body Day in black bold text

Organisations from eleven countries, including Lewy Body Society in the UK, will collectively celebrate the second annual World Lewy Body Dementia Day on Tuesday, January 28, the birthday of renowned neurologist and neuropathologist Dr Fritz Jacob Heinrich Lewy (1885-1950) for whom the aggregations of misfolded alpha-synuclein proteins in the brain, now known as Lewy Bodies, […]