[Source: Royal College of GPs, 22/05/14]
The Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) has launched an online tool called the Dementia Roadmapto help people with dementia access care in their local area.
Aimed at doctors and providers of community care, the Dementia Roadmap is a comprehensive ‘one stop shop’ designed to reflect a patient’s needs as they progress through the disease and signpost them to relevant local resources at the right time, from diagnosis onwards. It provides information about understanding dementia, memory worries, the diagnostic process, post-diagnosis support, living well with dementia, carer health and planning for the future. This is supplemented by details of local information and services for patients, such as memory clinics, hospitals, care homes, and specialist residential housing.
Designed by GPs and other primary care staff, produced in collaboration with the Alzheimer’s Society and funded by the Department of Health, the Dementia Roadmap project has been piloted in Devon, North Somerset and South Gloucester so far, with more pilots planned across England in the future.