We would like to invite you to take part in a new research study hosted by a research group based at Cardiff University. Since 2004 we have been interviewing people and collecting blood samples to try to understand more about how certain genes affect the likelihood of developing dementia. So far over 5000 people have helped us with our research and as a result we have been successful in finding many previously unknown genes that are involved in Alzheimer’s disease. We are hoping to use the expertise developed from studying Alzheimer’s disease to better understand the biological and genetic influences behind dementia with Lewy bodies.
Taking part involves a research interview for you, and a study partner (this can be a family member or close friend) that would last approximately 2 hours. It will be conducted at a time and location convenient to you (usually your own home). The interview would also include donating a blood (or saliva) sample.
We are running this research throughout the UK and would like to invite you to participate.
Please find some information about our study here: here.
If you are interested in taking part, please do not hesitate to contact us on 02920 688042, or dementiaresearch@cardiff.ac.uk”